Saturday 5.12.2018
In teams of three, complete five rounds each for time of:Row 500 Meters25 Goblet Squats15 Pull-upsEach team member will start at a different station and may not rotate to the next station until all team members have completed their reps/row. Use as much weight as possible on the squats, but aim to finish in 90-120 seconds.
You can find today’s workout here:
[via Chris Hinshaw (@aerobiccapacity)]:3 sets: (2:00, 1:00, 1:40, 0:40, 1:20, 0:20) w/ 30sec rest b/t reps & 3min rest b/t sets.Workout Pacing. The speed in this workout needs to be & feel fast. Fast is defined as the max speed you “could” hold for a 20min max effort time trial. .Still unsure?!! Target a moderate pace in Set 1 and then increase your speed for set 2 and again in set 3. Athletes with this approach “should” exceed (beat) their previous set total distance (calories or watts) prior to reaching their final 20sec interval.