Friday 5.11.2018

*If you ordered a Jake Marconi Regionals Tee or Tank, you can pick yours up in the office -- please see a member of the staff to check you off of the list.*MOVE>TALK Workshop is this Saturday at 12pm! Let us know if you are interested in joining!


A. Three sets of:Strict Shoulder Press x 6-8 reps @2111Rest 45 secondsRussian Step Up x 8-10 reps each leg @2011Rest 45 secondsSingle Arm Trap-3 Raise x 10-12 reps each arm @2020 (use a very light DB or change plate here)Rest 45 secondsB. Three rounds for time of:Run 400 Meters15 Dumbbell Push Presses10 Burpees


A. Six sets of:Push Jerk + Split JerkRest 2 minutes*Hold for 2 seconds in the receiving position of the Split Jerk before recovering the feet.*Aim to perform all of your working sets @70-80% of last week's heavy single Push JerkB. Three rounds for time of:Run 400 Meters15 Push Presses (135/95 lb)10 Bar-Facing Burpees


You can find today’s workout here:


[via Chris Hinshaw (@aerobiccapacity)]:3 sets: (2:00, 1:00, 1:40, 0:40, 1:20, 0:20) w/ 30sec rest b/t reps & 3min rest b/t sets.Workout Pacing. The speed in this workout needs to be & feel fast. Fast is defined as the max speed you “could” hold for a 20min max effort time trial. .Still unsure?!! Target a moderate pace in Set 1 and then increase your speed for set 2 and again in set 3. Athletes with this approach “should” exceed (beat) their previous set total distance (calories or watts) prior to reaching their final 20sec interval.


Saturday 5.12.2018


Thursday 5.10.2018