Monday 5.14.2018


A. Three sets of:Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge x 20 steps (switch arms at 10)Rest 60 secondsSupine Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @2111Rest 60 secondsBanded Good Mornings x 15-20 reps @3011Rest 60 secondsB. Complete 15, 12, and 9 rep rounds for time of:Dumbbell Ground to OverheadBox JumpsC. Two sets of:60 Second Plank HoldRest 15 seconds30 Second Left Side Plank HoldRest 15 seconds30 Second Right Side Plank HoldRest 30 seconds


A. Six sets of:Snatch x 1.1.1(Rest 7-10 seconds between singles)Rest 2 minutes between setsLoads per set (by %): 60, 70, 75, 75-80, 80, 80-85B. Complete 15, 12, and 9 rep rounds for time of:Power Snatch (115/75 lb)Box Jumps (30/24")C. Two sets of:60 Second Plank HoldRest 15 seconds30 Second Left Side Plank HoldRest 15 seconds30 Second Right Side Plank HoldRest 30 seconds


You can find today’s workout here:


[via Chris Hinshaw (@aerobiccapacity)]:2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 40sec at fast pace, 40sec at faster pace) w/ no rest b/t reps or sets.+Rest 3min+2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 20sec fast pace, 20sec faster pace, 20sec at fastest pace), w/ no rest b/t reps or sets.+Rest 3min+2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 10sec at fast pace, 10sec at faster pace, 10sec at fastest pace, 10sec sprint), w/ no rest b/t reps or sets. Done!!


Tuesday 5.15.2018


Saturday 5.12.2018