Tuesday 4.28.2020 (Home Workout)
*Live Class on Zoom today @ NOON. Link can be found in the Facebook Group!
Warm-up:Two sets of:60 second Run/Bike/Row30 seconds of Alternating Scorpion Kicks30 seconds of Lunge + Reach30 seconds of Inchworms30 seconds of Air Squats30 seconds of Dive-Bomber Push-upsRest 30 secondsA. Against a 2-minute running clock, complete:10 Alternating Single Arm Devil’s PressesDouble-Unders (or Mountain Climbers) x Max RepsRest 60 seconds, then…B. Against a 2-minute running clock, complete:20 Single Arm Dumbbell Plank Rows10 V-UpsBox Jumps or Step-Ups x Max RepsRest 60 seconds, then…Repeat for a total of FOUR sets of each station (24 minutes total, 16 minutes of work)
40-45 minutes @steady pace:3 Minute Run/Row/Bike60 Second Loaded Carry @moderate50 Mountain Climbers3 Minute Run/Row/Bike60 Second Plank Hold100 Single Unders