Thursday 1.20.2022


A. Three sets of:
Lateral Box Step Ups x 6-8 reps each leg
(hold a KB/DB in a goblet position to add load here)
Rest 45 seconds
Kettlebell Farmers Carry x 200 ft
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Face Pulls x 12-15 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Pallof Hold x 25-35 seconds each side
Rest 45 seconds

B. Same as "Performance"


A. Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Power Clean x 1.1.1
(rest 5-10 seconds between singles)

Suggested loading by set (by %): 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80+, 80+

B. Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets):
100 Meter Ski
200 Meter Row
300 Meter Bike Erg

Adjust the distances so that you are getting close to 60 seconds of rest each set (100m Ski, 150m Row, 200m Bike, for example)

*Compare to 10.21.2021


8 minutes @80-85%:
8/6 Calorie Bike Erg
8/6 Calorie Ski Erg

Rest 2 minutes, then...

8 minutes @80-85%:
160 Meter Row
4 Ring Rows
8 Push-ups
12 Air Squats

Rest 2 minutes, then...

Repeat for a second set of each.

Goal is to complete the same or more rounds the second time through when compared to the first


Friday 1.21.2022


Wednesday 1.19.2022