Friday 1.21.2022
A. Three sets of:
Back Squat x 4-6 reps @42X1
Rest 45 seconds
Single Leg Hip Bridge x 8-10 reps each leg @20X1
Rest 45 seconds
Supine Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
Side Plank Hold x 30-40 seconds each side
Rest 45 seconds
B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
12/9 Calorie Echo Bike (or 15/12 Calorie Bike Erg)
12 V-Ups
12 Wall Balls
*Compare to 9.29.2020
C. (Optional) Not for time:
50 Dual Dumbbell or Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts @ 1111 tempo
Focus on maximal contraction of the glutes on each rep, and a pace that it very controlled. The goal here is to accumulate solid time under tension, with moderate loads. Do not be concerned with how fast you complete this (though it should take somewhere from 4-7 minutes)
A. Four sets of:
2 Tempo Back Squats @42X1 + 3-4 Back Squats (no tempo)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Perform the first 2 back squats at a tempo of 42X1, then immediately after perform 3-4 squats without any tempo restriction – focus on speed of the concentric. Start at approximately 70% of your 1-RM Back Squat and build each set to today's heavy.
B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
36 Double-Unders
18 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
9 Toes to Bar
*Compare to 9.29.2020
C. (Optional) Not for time:
50 Dual Dumbbell or Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts @ 1111 tempo
Focus on maximal contraction of the glutes on each rep, and a pace that it very controlled. The goal here is to accumulate solid time under tension, with moderate loads. Do not be concerned with how fast you complete this (though it should take somewhere from 4-7 minutes)
8 minutes @80-85%:
8/6 Calorie Bike Erg
8/6 Calorie Ski Erg
Rest 2 minutes, then...
8 minutes @80-85%:
160 Meter Row
4 Ring Rows
8 Push-ups
12 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then...
Repeat for a second set of each.
Goal is to complete the same or more rounds the second time through when compared to the first