Saturday 1.22.2022
In teams of two, complete the following for time:
50 Burpee Buy In (this must be completed before anything else)
200 Kettlebell Swings
200 Box Jumps
2000 Meter Row
Tasks and reps can be partitioned and completed in any order the team chooses, but only one partner may be working at a time.
You may need to exercise some strategy to ensure that you are not in need of an erg with nothing left to do if none are available. First team to the rower takes priority (but no throwing elbows).
Tabata x 3 rounds (6 minutes total):
Russian Step-Ups (left)
Russian Step-Ups (right)
Bear Crawls
Broad Jumps
8 minutes @ 80-85%:
100m Row
20 Second Plank Hold
30 Double Unders or 60 Single Skips
Rest 2 minutes, then…
6 minutes @85-90%:
6 Medball Over the Shoulder
90ft Medball Run (can keep it on the shoulder after the last lift)
9 Jumping Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes, then…
4 minutes @max effort:
8/6 Cal Echo Bike or Bike Erg
8 Burpees
8 minutes @80-85%:
8/6 Calorie Bike Erg
8/6 Calorie Ski Erg
Rest 2 minutes, then...
8 minutes @80-85%:
160 Meter Row
4 Ring Rows
8 Push-ups
12 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then...
Repeat for a second set of each.
Goal is to complete the same or more rounds the second time through when compared to the first