Wednesday 1.19.2022
*Friendly reminder: if you are still sore from the “MLK” workout, consider subbing in the “Sweat Sesh” posted below today’s workouts.
A. Against a 24-minute running clock:
1200 Meter Run or 1500/1200 Meter Row or 3000/2400 Meter Bike Erg
followed by as many round and reps as possible of…
8/6 Strict Pull-ups
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
16 Push-ups
20 Goblet Reverse Lunges (holding DB)
Rest until reasonably recovered, then....
B. Two or Three sets of:
Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest as needed
Reverse Snow Angels x 10-12 reps @ 2020
Rest as needed
Hollow Hold/Rock x 30-40 seconds
Rest as needed
A. Against a 24-minute running clock…
1200 Meter Run or 1500/1200 Meter Row
followed by as many round and reps as possible of…
4 Bar Muscle-Ups or 8 Strict Pull-ups
8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lb)
16 Alternating Pistols
Rest until reasonably recovered, then....
B. Two or Three sets of:
Dumbbell Hammer Curls x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest as needed
Reverse Snow Angels x 10-12 reps @ 2020
Rest as needed
Hollow Hold/Rock x 30-40 seconds
Rest as needed
8 minutes @80-85%:
8/6 Calorie Bike Erg
8/6 Calorie Ski Erg
Rest 2 minutes, then...
8 minutes @80-85%:
160 Meter Row
4 Ring Rows
8 Push-ups
12 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes, then...
Repeat for a second set of each.
Goal is to complete the same or more rounds the second time through when compared to the first