Saturday 9.14.2019
In teams of two, with one partner working at a time, partners alternate rounds to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:5 Push-ups10 Kettlebell Swings15 Air Squats200 Meter Run
Tabata x 4 rounds (8 minutes):SkiStraight Leg MarchesRing Row HoldArch Hold+Rest 2 minutes+3 rounds (9 minutes) of:10 Goblet Squats @ 3030 tempo (60 seconds)10 Barbell Curls @ 3030 tempo (60 seconds)30 Second Side Plank each side+Rest 1 minute+10 Minute AMRAP:100 Meter Run15 Air Squats10 Push-ups
(via @aerobiccapacity)Run or Row Workout300 Meter @fast1 minute easy or walkx 4+800 Meter @ moderate2 minute rest+500 Meter @fast1 minute easy or walkx 2+600 Meter @ moderate2 minute rest+400 Meter @ fast1 minute easy or walkx 3