Saturday 5.9.2020 (Home Workout)
Every 90 seconds, for 24-30 minutes (4-5 sets) of:Station 1 – 3-5 Clean & Jerks (you choose the weight — should be done as singles), 8-12 DB Ground to Overhead (2 DBs), or 16-20 Alternating DB SnatchesStation 2 – 10-15 BurpeesStation 3 – 10 Front Squats, 15-20 Goblet Squats, or 30-40 Air SquatsStation 4 – 60 seconds of Plank Hold**All of these intervals can be adjusted and/or substituted based on what you have for equipment. The goal is to work for 40-60 seconds (depending on intensity), and have some rest and recovery before moving on to the next work station. The first two rounds through this should be manageable, get a bit tougher as you go.Other options for any of these stations, if you have the equipment:- 20 Wall Balls or Medball Cleans- 20 Weighted Walking Lunges (goblet, Overhead, etc)- 8-12 Strict Pull-ups- 10-15 Strict Dips- 60-75 Double-Unders- 18/15 Calorie Bike- 10-15 Strict HSPUs- 20-25 Heavy KB Swings
3 minute run @easy paceinto40 Second Run @moderately challenging pace20 Second walkx 5 minutesRest 1 minutex 4-6 rounds (36-48 minutes)