Friday 5.7.2020 (Home Workout)
*Live Zoom Class at 7am (FYF starting at 7:45) Click here to join; FYF at 9am (Click here to join)*There will be no Noon Class on Zoom today. Instead, please consider tuning into Coach Adam on the Small Business Virtual Town Hall with Lt. Governor Dan McKee at 12:30pm!*This workout was originally completed on Friday 3.27.2020. If you completed it that day, use your scores from then for motivation and/or pacing ideas, or, choose the alternate movements if you'd like more variety.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:150 Meter Run, Row, Ski, or 300 Meter Bike, (or 30-40 seconds of Cyclical Work -- jump rope, mountain climbers, etc.)10 Thrusters (Barbell, Kettlebell, Dumbbell, Sandbag, or other Object)Rest 3 minutes, then…Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:10 Kettlebell Swings (or Dumbbell Power Cleans)10 Box Jumps or Step-Ups (or Reverse Lunges) or 10 Burpees10 Alternating Leg V-UpsRest 3 minutes, then…Repeat for a second round of each (32 minutes total, 20 minute of work)*Feel free to adjust the movements to what you want to do, but can keep sustainable. If you have access to a Barbell, consider Power Cleans in place of the KB Swings; if you have a pull-up bar, consider toes to bar or knee tucks in place of the Alternating Leg V-Ups. The goal of these intervals is to keep a consistent output from start to finish, and move efficiently throughout.
3 minute run @easy paceinto40 Second Run @moderately challenging pace20 Second walkx 5 minutesRest 1 minutex 4-6 rounds (36-48 minutes)