Saturday 4.4.2020 (Home Workout)
Warm-up:Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (2 sets of each):Station 1 — 30 Second Bear Crawl + 30 Second Hollow HoldStation 2 — 30 Seconds of Air Squats + 30 Seconds of No-Push-up BurpeesStation 3 — 30 Seconds of Inchworms + 30 Seconds of Butt Kicksthen...Every 6 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets), for times:Run 300 Meters9 Burpees12 Push Presses or Single Arm Push Presses (6 each arm)15 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups18 Hang Power Cleans, Kettlebell Swings, or Air or Goblet SquatsComplete each set in a different order (ie. start the first set on the Run, and finish on the Swings/HPCs; start the second set on the Burpees, and finish on the Run, etc.). Note times for each set. Adjust accordingly so that each set takes between 3 and 4 minutes to complete.Please see video for substitutions and suggestions.
800 Meter Run @75-80%Rest 3 minutesx 2 sets+400 Meter Run @80-85%Rest 2 minutesx 4 sets+200 Meter Run @85-90%Rest 1 minutex 6 sets