Saturday 12.17.2016
A. In teams of two, complete for max rounds and calories in 12 minutes:P1: Row 3 minutes for Max CaloriesP2: Max Rounds and Reps in 3 minutes of:3 Burpees6 Dumbbell Push Presses9 Box JumpsPartners will switch at the end of each 3-minute period until each has completed the amrap and the row twice. Record total rounds and reps completed, as well as Calories achieved during the 12 minute interval.Rest 4 minutes, then...B. In teams of two, complete for max rounds and calories in 12 minutes:P1: Assault Bike 3 minutes for Max CaloriesP2: Max Rounds and Reps in 3 minutes of:3 Power Cleans (135/95 lb)6 Push-ups9 Air SquatsPartners will switch at the end of each 3-minute period until each has completed the amrap and the bike twice. Record total rounds and reps completed, as well as Calories achieved during the 12 minute interval.
You can find today’s workout here:
Three sets of:Row 2000 Meters @ incremental effort(speed up your pace each 500m by 3-5 sec. per / 500m split until the last one is @ 90%)Rest 4 minutes