Friday 12.16.2016


A. Three sets of:KB Front-Racked Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 reps/legRest 30 seconds between legs, and 30 seconds before moving on to...Pull-ups x 6-8 reps* or Pull-up Negatives x 3-5 reps @51A1Rest 30 secondsHeavy Sandbag or D-Ball Carry (at chest) x 30 secondsRest 60 seconds*Can work on kipping here, if strength and mobility are there*This can also be scaled up to Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups, or Bar Muscle-Ups x 3-8 repsB. Four sets of:30 Seconds of Handstand Walk or Nose-to-Wall Handstand HoldRest 30 seconds30 Seconds of Farmer's Carry (heavy)Rest 30 Seconds30 Seconds of V-UpsRest 30 seconds


You can find today’s workout here:


Three sets of:Row 2000 Meters @ incremental effort(speed up your pace each 500m by 3-5 sec. per / 500m split until the last one is @ 90%)Rest 4 minutes


Saturday 12.17.2016


Thursday 12.15.2016