Monday 9.10.2018
A. Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (4 sets of each):Station 1 – Front Squat x 5 reps*Station 2 – Strict Pull-ups x 4-6 reps @21X1Station 3 – Bottom's Up Kettlebell Carry x 75ft each arm*Goal is to build to today's 5-RM by your last set. Compare to 7.16.2018B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:4 Dumbbell Renegade Rows12 Dumbbell Box Step Ups (20/16" box)Renegade Row = Push-Up, Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right
A. Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Front SquatSuggested Loading Pattern:* Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps* Set 2 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps* Set 3 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep* Set 4 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep* Set 5 – Test 1-RM* Set 6 (optional) – Exceed Set 5 weight;Rest 2-3 minutes between sets*Compare to 7.16.2018B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:4/3 Bar Muscle Ups or 6/4 Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups8 Back Squats (135/95 lb — taken from the floor)
You can find today’s workout here:
10 Minute Bike @70%*Every 2 minutes, get off and complete 10 GHD Hip Extensions+10 Minute Row @70%*Every 2 minutes, get off and complete 10 GHD Sit-ups+10 Minute Ski @70%*Every 2 minutes, get off and complete 10 Air Squats + 10 Push-ups