Monday 8.1.2016


A. Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):Station 1 – Rope Climbs x 1-2 ascents OR Mixed Grip Strict Pull-ups x 6-12 reps @21X0Station 2 – Handstand Walk x 30-50 feet OR Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 30-40 secondsStation 3 – Tuck Rock to Tuck-Sit x 12-15 repsB. Three rounds for time of:400 Meter Run20 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75 lb)15 Toes to Bar or V-Ups


You can find today’s workout here:


Eight sets of:Row 30 seconds @90%Rest 30 secondsRest 4 minutes, then…Eight sets of:Run 30 seconds @90%Rest 30 secondsRest 4 minutes, then…Eight sets of:Assault Bike 30 seconds @90%Rest 30 seconds


Tuesday 8.2.2016


Saturday 7.30.2016