Friday 9.15.2017
*Fall Classic Teams: PLEASE try to register your team before Friday, September 15th at 12pm, so that we can place our t-shirt order. Head here to get signed up:*We also need volunteers for the Fall Classic, and would greatly appreciate any help that can be provided. If you are available, please fill out the form here:
A. Three sets of:Turkish Get-Ups x 2 reps each armRest 30 secondsGoblet Squats x 8-10 reps @ 21X1Rest 30 secondsBanded Good Mornings x 12-15 reps @3011Rest 30 secondsV-Ups x 15-20 repsRest 30 secondsB. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:14 Wall Balls100 Meter RunC. Three sets of:Hip Flexor Stretch x 30-40 seconds/sideRest 30 secondsTrap-3 Raise x 8 reps each arm @3011Rest 30 seconds
A. Take 15 minutes to build to today's heavy single Snatch BalanceB. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:7 Toes to Bar14 Wall BallsC. Three sets of:Hip Flexor Stretch x 30-40 seconds/sideRest 30 secondsTrap-3 Raise x 8 reps each arm @3011Rest 30 seconds
You can find today’s workout here:
Run 800 Meters @85-90%Rest 4 minutesx 2Run 400 Meters @85-90%Rest 2 minutesx 4Run 200 Meters @85-90%Rest 1 minutex 6