Friday 7.15.2016

*Reminder: We have 3 teams competing this Saturday at the "Backyahd Games" at Industrial Revolution CrossFit in Pawtucket. Come out and show your support for Paul, Shelby, Bob, Kim, Dennis, and Elyssa as they throw it down!


A. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes (4 sets of each):Minute 1: Turkish Get Up x 1 rep each arm (slow and controlled)Minute 2: Banded Good Mornings x 12 reps @ 20X1Minute 3: Goblet Alternating Reverse Lunges x 12-16 reps (use the same KB as for your Turkish Get Ups)B. Four sets of: (12 minutes to complete)Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1Rest 2 minutesC. Against a 5-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:1 Burpee1 Box Jump (24/20")2 Burpees2 Box Jumps3 Burpees3 Box Jumps...and so on, adding 1 rep to each movement each round


A. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):Snatch*Sets 1 & 2 – 2 reps @ 55-65% w/Pause at the Knee*Sets 3 & 4 – 2 reps @ 65-75% w/Pause at the Knee*Sets 5 & 6 – 2 reps @ 75-85% (no pause)*Sets 7 & 8 – 85% or moreB. Four sets of: (12 minutes to complete)Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1Rest 2 minutesC. Against a 5-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:1 Burpee1 Box Jump (24/20")2 Burpees2 Box Jumps3 Burpees3 Box Jumps...and so on, adding 1 rep to each movement each round


You can find today’s workout here:


Run 90 seconds @85%Walk 30 Secondsx 10


Saturday 7.16.2016


Thursday 7.14.2016