Friday 10.26.2018
A. Three sets of:Turkish Get-Ups x 2 reps each armRest 45 secondsBottom’s Up Kettlebell Carry x 50 feet each armRest 45 secondsDumbbell "Death March" x 20 steps @ 2011Rest 45 secondsHollow Hold x 30-40 secondsRest 45 secondsB. Three rounds for time of:30 Russian Kettlebell Swings20 Push-ups
A. Four sets of:Power Clean x 2.2.2(rest 10 seconds between doubles)Rest 3 minutes*Perform 2 Touch-N-Go Power Cleans (meaning the bar cannot rest on the floor), then rest 10 seconds, and repeat for 2 more “clusters.” Add weight after each set, but not within the set.B. “Elizabeth”Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:Power Clean (135/95 lbs)Ring DipsCompare to 6.1.2018
You can find today’s workout here:
For time:50-40-30-20-10Row CalsBike CalsAbmat Sit-ups