Friday 11.25.2022

**Holiday Weekend Schedule:

Friday 11/25 — 9am class, OG 10-12, NOON class

Sat 11/26 — Group class at 9:30am

Sunday 11/27 — Regular Schedule

If we have any other changes they will reflect on Zen planner and we will notify you via email!


A. Three sets of:
Back Squat x 6 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
Single Arm Trap-3 Raise x 8 reps each arm @ 2010
Rest 45 seconds
Banded Face Pulls x 12 reps @ 2011
Rest 45 seconds
Alternating Leg V-Ups x 20-24 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Warm up to make all three sets a 7/10 RPE.

B. Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes (4 sets):
Station 1 – 4-6 Bar Muscle-Ups or 4-8 Strict Pull-ups
Station 2 – 120-ft Sandbag Carry
Station 3 – 8-10 Dumbbell Bench Press @ 30X0
Station 4 – 40-60 Double-Unders (or Lateral Line Hops, or 16-20 Box Step-Ups)
Station 5 – 40 Second Plank Hold

You should be able to complete each station in 35-45 seconds. Please adjust the repetitions or loads to ensure that you’re falling under or within that range.


Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (5 sets of each):
Station 1 — 200m Run + 600/500m Bike Erg
Station 2 — 300/250m Row + 300/250m Ski

*Your goal is to have at least 45 seconds of rest between stations — adjust distances accordingly. Your first sets should feel comfortable, with the difficulty increasing you as progressed through the workout (though keeping the same or similar times for each set)


Saturday 11.26.2022


Thursday 11.24.2022