Wednesday 7.31.2019


A. Three sets of:Uneven Carry x 75ft each side(Hold one KB in a Farmer's Carry, and another, lighter KB/DB in an Overhead Position)Rest 45 secondsSupine Ring Rows x 8-10 repsRest 45 secondsSingle Leg Glute-Bridge Hold x 20-30 seconds each sideRest 45 secondsB. Four sets of:Push Press x 5 repsRest 2 minutes between setsBuild in load to today's heavy 5-rep Push PressC. Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (2 sets) of:Minute 1 – 45 Seconds of Side Plank (Left Side)Minute 2 – 45 Seconds of Band Pull-ApartsMinute 3 – 45 Seconds of Side Plank (Right Side)Minute 3 – 45 Seconds of Reverse Snow Angels


A. Five sets of:3-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch @65-75% of 1-RM Snatch(pause for 2 seconds each at 2″ off the floor, mid-patella and mid-thigh, then stand it up, drop the barbell, set-up properly and perform a full snatch)B. Four sets of:Push Press x 5 repsRest 2 minutes between setsBuild in load to today's heavy 5-rep Push PressC. Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (2 sets) of:Minute 1 – 45 Seconds of Side Plank (Left Side)Minute 2 – 45 Seconds of Band Pull-ApartsMinute 3 – 45 Seconds of Side Plank (Right Side)Minute 3 – 45 Seconds of Reverse Snow Angels


Row 30 seconds @85%Rest 30 secondsx 10Rest 4 minutes, then…Run 30 seconds @85%Rest 30 secondsx 10Rest 4 minutes, then…Assault Bike 30 seconds @85%Rest 30 secondsx 10


Thursday 8.1.2019


Tuesday 7.30.2019