Wednesday 6.5.2019


A. Three sets of:Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10 reps @ 2011Rest 45 secondsAlternating Lateral Lunges x 10-12 repsRest 45 secondsReverse Snow Angels x 12-15 reps (slow and controlled)Rest 45 secondsHeavy Farmer's Carry x 150 feetRest 45 secondsB. For time:40/30 Calorie Row40 V-Ups30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches


A. Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):Power Clean + Push JerkBuild in load to today's heavy singleB. For time:40 Calorie Row30 Toes to Bar20 Ground to Overhead (135/95 lbs)C. (Optional Post-Class Accessory Work):Three sets of:Glute Bridge Dumbbell Floor Press x 6-8 reps @3011Rest 45 secondsReverse Snow Angels x 12-15 reps (slow and controlled)Rest 45 seconds


(via @aerobiccapacity)3 sets:200m at fast pace, 400m at easy pace,.150m at fast pace, 300m at easy pace,.100m at fast pace, 200m at easy pace,.50m at fast pace, 100m at easy pace,.Rest 3min.Fast pace should equal your 2000m PR+5sec/500m pace. Your easy pace should be equal to your 2000m PR pace no more than 30sec/500m.


Thursday 6.6.2019


Tuesday 6.4.2019