Wednesday 11.13.2024
A. Three or four sets of:
Half Turkish Get Up x 3-4 reps each arm
Rest 45 seconds
Hand Supported Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps each leg @ 30X0
Rest 45 seconds
B. Same as "Performance"
A. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
Start at approximately 50% of your 1-RM Snatch, and build in load as technique allows. The bulk of your working sets should be in the 70-80% range of your 1-RM Power Snatch.
B. Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes (6 sets):
Minute 1 — 6-8 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches + 8-10 Box Jump-Overs or Step-Overs
Minute 2 — 240-360 Meter Bike Erg
Minute 3 — 4-6 Burpees + 10-12 Plank Dumbbell Pull Throughs
Minute 4 — 120-180 Meter Ski Erg
*Choose a distance on the Bike and Ski that will allow you to complete your first sets comfortably under 45 seconds. If you are unsure, start in the middle (300m and 150m, respectively) and scale up or down as needed.
30 Second Bike or Run @ 80%
Rest 30 seconds
x 16 rounds
Rest 2 minutes
30 Second Bike or Run @85%
Rest 30 seconds
x 16 rounds
*Use similar paces to two weeks ago, for an
increased number of total sets.