Thursday 11.14.2024
A. Three sets of:
Dual Kettlebell Front Squats x 4-5 reps @ 3131 tempo
Rest 15 seconds
Dual Kettlebell Front Squats x 8-10 reps @ 20X0 tempo
Rest 15 seconds
Single Kettlebell Goblet Squats x 15-20 reps @ 10X0 tempo
Rest 2-3 minutes
B. Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
3-5 Strict Pronated Pull-ups
15-20 Double-Unders or Mountain Climbers
10-15 Hollow Rocks
C. Against a 6-minute clock, complete:
Dumbbell Forward Lunges in Front Rack or Farmer's Hold (R+L=2)
*5/4 Calorie Row, Ski, or Bike after each round
A. Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat x 2 reps
*Sets 1-2 – 70-80% of 1-RM (or RPE 7/10)
*Sets 3-4 – 80-85% (or RPE 8/10)
*Sets 5-6 – 85% or more (or RPE 9/10)
If you completed the Front Squats on 11.5.2024, aim to increase from the loads you used that day.
B. Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
2-3 Bar Muscle-Ups or 3-5 Strict Pronated Pull-ups
15-20 Double-Unders
10-15 Hollow Rocks
C. Against a 6-minute clock, complete:
Dumbbell Front Rack Forward Lunges (R+L=2)
*5/4 Calorie Row, Ski, or Bike after each round
30 Second Bike or Run @ 80%
Rest 30 seconds
x 16 rounds
Rest 2 minutes
30 Second Bike or Run @85%
Rest 30 seconds
x 16 rounds
*Use similar paces to two weeks ago, for an
increased number of total sets.