Wednesday 10.18.2017
**Schedule Reminder:-All classes are cancelled for this Saturday (October 21st), as we are hosting the Functional Yoga For Athletics Seminar with Mobility|WOD. If you are interested in taking part, there are a few spots still open; use code RHODEISLANDYOGA15 for 15% off registration!-This Sunday (10/22), Cooper will be leading the initial testing for the Extreme Endurance Challenge. This is free for all members, and you will receive a weeks supply of Extreme Endurance at no cost. Please check out the FB event, and let us know that you are coming!
A. Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):Station 1: 6-8 Ring or Stationary Dips + 6-8 Supine Ring RowsStation 2: Pistol Progressions x 6-8 reps each legStation 3: L-Sit or Tuck Sit x 40-60 seconds (accumulated)B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:200 Meter Run w/Medball15 Wall Balls15 Abmat Sit-ups
A. Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):Station 1: Muscle-Ups w/Pause in Catch and Pause in Extension x 3-6 reps(or Low Ring Muscle Up Progression x 4-6 reps)Station 2: Alternating Pistols x 12-16 reps(if you’re proficient, add weight with a kettlebell)Station 3: L-Sit x 40-60 seconds (accumulated)B. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:200 Meter Run w/Medball15 Wall Balls15 Abmat Sit-ups
You can find today’s workout here:
1 Minute Ski @75-80%Rest 30 seconds1 Minute Row @80-85%Rest 30 seconds1 Minute Run @85-90%Rest 2 minutesx 5