Thursday 3.10.2022
*Reminder: Our upcoming Full Range Olympic Weightlifting Program cycle starts this Sunday! Check out the post for more info.
Four "Tabata" sets of each of:
Bear Crawl
Mountain Climbers
Broad Jumps
Against a 5-minute running clock, complete:
20/15 Calories of Echo Bike or 25/20 Calorie Bike Erg
400 Meter Run or 500/400 Meter Row or Ski
Max Reps of Burpee Box Jump-Overs in remaining time
Rest 2 minutes, and repeat for a total of FIVE (5) sets – 35 minutes total, 25 minutes of work.
Seven to nine sets for times:
21 Calorie Ski
15 Calorie Bike
9 Calorie Row
Rest 90 seconds b/t sets
*Each set, you will rotate the order of the machines, and keep the calorie counts the same, ie:
Round 2:
21 Calorie Row
15 Calorie Ski
9 Calorie Bike
Round 3:
21 Calorie Bike
15 Calorie Row
9 Calorie Ski
Round 4: same as Round 1, etc.