Tuesday 8.16.2016
A. Three sets of:Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps each leg @3011Rest 2 minutes*During your rest period, work on Handstand positioning -- either freestanding, against a wall, or off a box.B. “Just Nine Minutes”*Three sets for max rounds of:60 seconds of Hang Power Clean(elbows must come all the way around and hips must open fully at the top)60 seconds of Front Squat60 seconds of Push Press60 seconds of Rest(Prescribed loads are 95 lbs. for men and 65 lbs. for women – light enough to make continuous motion a reasonable goal.)*Workout courtesy of CrossFit InvictusC. Three sets of:Hollow Hold x 30-40 secondsRest 45 secondsBanded Pull-Aparts x 12-15 reps @2011Rest 45 seconds
You can find today’s workout here: https://frcompetition.wordpress.com/
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets):Row 30 seconds @ max effortStay on the rower and row easy between each effort