Tuesday 5.26.2020 (Home Workout)
*Please note: There will be no Live Zoom Classes this week (except for FLOW on Sunday) as we prepare for our re-opening on Monday, June 1st. If you have any questions on the workouts, please let us know via email, text, or in the Facebook Group.
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (4 sets) for max reps of:Station 1 = 30 Second Plank from Elbows + 30 Seconds of Alternating Lateral Lunges or Cossack SquatsStation 2 = RestEvery minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:Station 1 = 30-50 Double-Unders (or Single Skips, or Jumping Jacks) + Reverse Plank for the remainder of timeStation 2 = RestEvery minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:Station 1 = 30 Seconds of Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift or Dumbbell Power Cleans + 30 seconds of Dumbbell Bent-Over RowStation 2 = RestEvery minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) for max reps of:Station 1 = 30 Second Hollow Hold + 30 Seconds of Straight Leg Sit-UpsStation 2 = RestGive yourself a few minutes to recover, and then get outside for a 15-20 minute walk or jog at an active recovery pace.Followed by…10-15 minutes of stretching and breathing
Bike, Run, or Row:30 Seconds @moderate intensityRest 15 secondsx 6 rounds (record total distance)Rest 1-2 minutes, then...1 Minute @same speed as aboveRest 15 secondsx 3 rounds (record total distance)Rest 1-2 minutes, then...90 Seconds @same speed as aboveRest 15 secondsx 2 rounds (record total distance)Rest 1-2 minutes, then...3 Minutes @same speed as above (record total distance)