Tuesday 4.21.2015


A. Every minute, for 18 minutes:Minute 1 – Turkish Get-Up x 2 reps (alternate arms, perform slow and controlled – each rep should take close to 10 seconds or more)Minute 2 – Supine Ring Row x 8 reps @2011Minute 3 – Seated Strict Press x 6 reps @ 2011 (take the bar from the rack, sit on a bench with torso upright and braced, and press from the shoulders to overhead)B. Three rounds for time of:10 Dumbbell Push Presses10 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells10 Pull-Ups


A. Take 5-10 minutes to practice Jerk Footwork and Jerk Technique (we highly recommend checking out this demo of the Tall Jerk)Then...Take 10 minutes to build to a heavy single JerkB. Three rounds for time of:15 Push Press (135/95 lbs)15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups30 Double-Unders (Sub is 15 Box Jump Overs)


A. Three sets, not for time, of:Muscle-Ups x 3-6 repsNose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 60-90 secondsL-Sit x 30-60 secondsB. Three sets of:Jerk Balance x 3 repsRest as neededC. Jerk*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60%*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%*Sets 4-8 – 1 rep @ 90+%Rest as neededHold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.D. Three sets for max reps of:30 seconds of Handstand Push-Ups30 seconds of RestFollowed immediately by…Three sets for max reps of:30 seconds of Stationary Dips30 seconds of RestFollowed immediately by…Three sets for max reps of:30 seconds of Push-Ups30 seconds of RestFollowed immediately by…For time:Row 1000 Meters


Ten sets of:60 Seconds of Rowing @85%30 Seconds of Double Unders30 Second Plank Hold (scale up by using two foam rollers or low rings)60 Seconds Rest


Wednesday 4.22.2015


Monday 4.20.2015