Tuesday 10.3.2017
A. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:Minute 1 – Strict Supinated Grip Pull-ups x 4-6 reps @ 2111Minute 2 – L-Seated DB Press x 6-8 reps @ 2011Minute 3 – Tempo Push-Ups x 8-12 reps @ 1111B. Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets):5 Burpees to 6"10 Kettlebell Swings15/12 Calorie Assault BikeNote times for each set, and add them for total working time.
A. Gymnastics TestingComplete as many reps as possible for each of the following:2 Minutes of Muscle-Ups (or Ring Dips)Rest 60 seconds2 Minutes of Alternating Pistols with Kettlebell (24/16 kg)Rest 60 seconds2 Minutes of Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or L-Seated DB Press)Rest 60 seconds2 Minutes of Strict Supinated-Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-UpsRest 60 seconds2 Minutes to establish a max effort L-Sit Hold(you only get one attempt to hold for as long as possible)B. Every 4 minutes, for 20 minutes (5 sets):5 Burpees to 6"10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)15/12 Calorie Assault BikeNote times for each set, and add them for total working time.
You can find today’s workout here: https://frcompetition.wordpress.com/
60 Second Row @85-90% output60 Second Restx 10 sets