Tuesday 1.6.2015
A. Three sets of:Pull-Ups (or negatives only) x 5 reps @4111Rest 60 secondsDumbbell Bench Press x 6-8 reps @20X1Rest 60 secondsSide Plank x 30 seconds/sideRest 60 secondsB. Against a 12-minute running clock, complete the following:Row 750 MetersThen, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in the remaining time of:15 Box Jump Overs12 Push Presses9 Pull-ups
*Program Note: This is a transitional week as we head into our next cycle, specifically what will be called "Open Prep." Here we will focus on movements and time domains that we expect to see in the CrossFit Open, which begins February 26th. If you are planning to participate this year, there will be optional skill work programmed in that we highly recommend you do in the coming weeks. If you are unsure of your goals, or whether the Open is right for you, please speak with one of your coaches, or contact adam@fullrangecrossfit.comA. Take 10-12 minutes to build to a 1-RM Weighted Pull-UpB. Against a 12-minute running clock, complete the following:Row 750 MetersThen, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in the remaining time of:15 Box Jump Overs (24/20")12 Push Presses (115/75)9 Pull-upsC. (Optional, Pre- or Post-Class)Three sets, not for time of:Handstand Push-ups x 8-12 repsL-Sit x 20-30 secondsDumbbell Bent Over Row x 10 reps each arm @2111
A. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:Minute 1 – Crossover or Banded Reverse Flys x 8 reps @ 2121Minute 2 – Weighted Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 5 repsMinute 3 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″ Deficit x 8-10 repsMinute 4 – L-Sit x 30-40 secondsB. Three sets of:Tall Jerks x 3 repsImmediately followed by…Six sets of:Jerk with Pause x 3-4 reps(Dip and hold for 2 seconds at the bottom of the dip, then drive.)Rest as neededUse Jerk Blocks if possible.C. Three sets of:Row 1000 Meters25 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)20 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)15 Strict Pull-UpsRest 4 minutesThese sets should not exceed 9 minutes. Please reduce the reps of the strict pull-ups as necessary to keep your efforts under 9 minutes for each set.D. Three sets of:Glute-Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011Rest as neededFace-Down Chinese Planks x 60 secondsRest as needed
On the AirDyne or Rower:3 Minutes @80-85%Rest 90 secondsx8