Thursday 9.22.2016
A. Three sets (12 minutes) of:Turkish Get-Ups x 2 reps/armBroad Jumps x 3Kip Swing on Bar* x 10 reps(*Maintain a tight body position with feet together and toes pointed; work back and forth between a hollow and arch position, with little to no bend of the knees)B. Four sets of:Pause Back Squat x 3 reps* @33X1 tempoRest 2 minutes between sets*Working weights should be 65-75% of 1-RM, if you know itC. Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:5 Strict Pull-ups*10 Pistols or Weighted Step-Ups*Can be scaled up to 1 Legless Rope Climb
You can find today’s workout here:
50-40-30-20-10Ski CaloriesRow CaloriesAb-Mat Sit-ups