Thursday 8.15.2019
A. Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (2 sets), rotate through the following stations:Station 1 – Rope Climb Technique Work – no more than 4 ascents(if you don’t have rope climbs, work on Strict Pull-ups or L-Pull-ups)Station 2 – Handstand Hold Work(use partner assists or the wall to learn balance points and accumulate time upside down)Station 3 – Kettlebell Side Plank x 30-40 seconds each sideB. Three sets, for max reps/calories of:3 Minutes of Rowing (for Calories)2 Minutes of Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or L-Seated Dumbbell Press)1 Minute of Toes to BarRest 3 minutes
40 Seconds On/20 Seconds Off x 3 rounds (12 minutes)Running (Air Runner)Sled Pull (light)Bike ErgSeal Walkthen..AMRAP in 10 minutes:150 Meter Row5 Burpees10 Sit-ups
Run 800 Meters @slightly slower than 1-mile PR paceRest 4 minutesx 2Run 400 Meters @1-mile PR paceRest 2 minutesx 4Run 200 Meters @slightly faster than 1-mile PR paceRest 1 minutex 6