Thursday 6.9.2016

*The first meeting for our 21-Day Primal Challenge is this Saturday, June 11th, at 9:30am.  The Challenge starts on Monday, so let us know via email ( if you would like more info!


A. Three sets of:Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift x 6 reps each legRest 45 secondsNose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 30-40 seconds (can be scaled up to HS Shoulder Taps x 16-20)Rest 45 secondsTall Box Jumps x (Rest 5-7 seconds between single jumps)Rest 45 secondsB. Five or Six Sets of the following (20 minutes):5 Dumbbell Front Squats (heavy)Rest 10 seconds8 Ball Slams (as fast as possible)Rest 10 seconds20 Second Assault Bike for Max Calories (more recovery = more power)Rest 2-3 minutes between sets


A. Three sets of:Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift x 6 reps each legRest 45 secondsNose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 30-40 seconds (can be scaled up to HS Shoulder Taps x 16-20)Rest 45 secondsTall Box Jumps x (Rest 5-7 seconds between single jumps)Rest 45 secondsB. Five or Six Sets of the following (20 minutes):2 Heavy Cleans (done as singles; add weight over the sets as able)Rest 10 seconds8 Ball Slams (as fast as possible)Rest 10 seconds20 Second Assault Bike for Max CaloriesRest 2-3 minutes between sets (more recovery = more power)


You can find today’s workout here:


1 Minute Run1 Minute Row1 Minute Ski1 Minute Restx 10 sets


Friday 6.10.2016


Tuesday 6.7.2016