Thursday 6.11.2015


A. Take 12 minutes to build to today's heaviest 5-rep Deadlift (with no rounding of your back!)*No more than 3 or 4 tough sets, after warmupB. Five sets for times of:9 Burpees12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (heavy)15 Box Jump Overs or Step-Overs18 Abmat Sit-upsRest 2 minutes between sets


A. Take 12 minutes to build to a heavy single 3-Position Power Clean (One Power Clean from the High Hang, one from the knee, one from the floor)B. Five sets for times of:9 Hang Power Cleans12 Burpees15 Toes to Bar18 Box Jump Overs (24/20")Rest 2 minutes between sets*Recommended weights: Men=135-155 lb; Women=95-105 lb


Active Recovery Day


30 Second Bike or Row @ high outputRest 30 secondsx 8 setsRest 3 minutes, then400 Meter Farmer's Carry at a heavy weightRest 3 minutes, then...30 Second Bike or Row @ high out putRest 30 secondsx 8 sets


Defending the Deadlift


Wednesday 6.10.2015