Thursday 5.17.2018
*Schedule Reminders:-Thursday (5/17): 5:30pm Class is cancelled (Open Gym instead) - Olympic Lifting is still ON-Saturday (5/19): One class only, @9:00am-Sunday: No Barbell Basics
A. Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:Station 1 – Landmine Press (right) x 8 reps @ 2111Station 2 – Landmine Press (left) x 8 reps @ 2111Station 3 – Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 8 reps @ 2111Station 4 – Hollow Hold x 45 secondsB. In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:20 Calorie Assault Bike20 Kettlebell Swings20 Push-upsPartners can divide the work however they see fit, but only one partner may be working at any given time, and the team cannot move on to the next movement until all of the reps of a given movement are completed.
A. Five sets of:Bench Press x 2-4 reps @20X1Rest 90 secondsStrict Weighted Pull-ups x 2-4 reps @21X0Rest 90 secondsB. In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:20 Calorie Assault Bike20 Kettlebell Swings20 Push-upsPartners can divide the work however they see fit, but only one partner may be working at any given time, and the team cannot move on to the next movement until all of the reps of a given movement are completed.
You can find today’s workout here:
[via Chris Hinshaw (@aerobiccapacity)]:2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 40sec at fast pace, 40sec at faster pace) w/ no rest b/t reps or sets.+Rest 3min+2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 20sec fast pace, 20sec faster pace, 20sec at fastest pace), w/ no rest b/t reps or sets.+Rest 3min+2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 10sec at fast pace, 10sec at faster pace, 10sec at fastest pace, 10sec sprint), w/ no rest b/t reps or sets. Done!!