Thursday 5.13.2021
A. Three sets of:Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 reps each leg @ 30X1Rest 45 seconds after each legStrict/Weighted Pull-up Clusters x 2.2.2 @21X0(Rest 15-20 second between doubles; add as much weight as possible while maintaining tempo on the way down)-OR-Strict Pull-up Negatives x 4-6 reps @55A1 (A=Assist; use assistance to get your chin over the bar, hold for 1-second, then slowly lower for 5-seconds. Rest 5 seconds, then repeat for a total of 4-6 reps)Rest 45 secondsBanded Face Pulls x 12-15 reps @ 2111Rest 60 secondsB. Four sets for max reps/cals:30 Seconds of Double-Unders (or Lateral Hops)30 Seconds of Burpee Pull-ups*60 Seconds of Bike, Ski, or Row (ideally, choose a modality you haven't done yet this week)Rest 60 seconds*For the Burpee Pull-ups, the bar should be at or just above standing reach. You should be able to jump from the floor into your pull-up. If this is not possible for you, perform a Burpee and jump to touch a target that is at least 6" above your standing reach.
See Coach Jake's Endurance Programming for this week by clicking here