Thursday 3.5.2015

*Our next Group Fundamentals Class starts this coming Monday!  If you know anyone that might be interested, have them contact  We are forever thankful for your referrals!**Last chance to order a hoodie or crew neck sweatshirt.  Order sheet is by the office, or email


A. Three sets of:Strict Pull-Ups x Max RepsRest 45 secondsTurkish Get Up x 2 reps/armRest 45 secondsStrict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x Max RepsRest 45 secondsHollow Rocks or Holds x 45 secondsRest 45 seconds*If you use assistance on the Pull-ups, use the same for both styles (overhand and underhand), and note what band you usedB. Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets), complete the following as quickly as possible:Row 500 Meters30 Pushups20 Toes to Bar or Abmat Sit-ups


A. Three sets of:Weighted Strict Pull-Ups x 3 repsRest 30 secondsWeighted Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x Max Reps with same weightRest 30 secondsStrict Pull-Ups x Max RepsRest 30 secondsStrict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x Max RepsRest 3 minutesB. Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets), complete the following as quickly as possible:Row 500 Meters50/30 Pushups20 Toes to Bar


*For the duration of the Open, we will be following directly along with the Invictus Competition Program.  Please check their blog for today's workout.


Row 5 minutes at moderate paceRest 2 minutes, then…Seven sets of:Row 350m @high effortRest 2 minutes between setsRest 2 minute, then…Row 5 minutes at easy pace


Friday 3.6.2015


Wednesday 3.4.2015