Thursday 12.14.2017


A. Four sets of:Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 6-8 reps each leg @ 20X1Rest 60 secondsRing or Stationary Dips x 6-12 reps @2111Rest 60 secondsB. Three sets for max reps of:60 seconds of Wall BallsRest 60 seconds60 seconds of Push-upsRest 60 seconds60 seconds of Box Jumps (24/20" -- step down)Rest 60 seconds


You can find today’s workout here:


750m Row @85-90%Rest 3 minutesx 3 sets+500 Meter Row @85-90%Rest 2 minutesx 4-5 sets+250m Row @85-90%Rest 1 minutex 5-7 sets


Friday 12.15.2017


Wednesday 12.13.2017