Thursday 12.13.2018


In teams of two, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:100-ft Sandbag Carry10 Pull-ups or Ring Rows100-ft Suitcase Carry (50 feet each side)10 Burpees100-ft Bear Crawl10 V-Ups or Sit-Ups*This workout will be completed in a “follow-the-leader” fashion: Partner 1 performs a 100-ft Sandbag carry, then Partner 2 performs a 100-ft Sandbag Carry; Partner 1 performs 10 Pull-ups , then Partner 2 performs 10 Pull-ups ; and so on, for 30 minutes. Only one partner can be working at a time, and Partner 1 cannot move on to the next movement until partner 2 is finished


45 Minute Assault Bike @70%*Every 9 minutes, get off and complete2 Turkish Get Ups each arm12 Goblet Squats40-60 second FLR


Friday 12.14.2018


Wednesday 12.12.2018