Thursday 12.12.2019


Every 90 seconds, for 30 minutes (5 sets of each):Station 1 – 150-ft Sandbag CarryStation 2 – 20/15 Calorie Bike ErgStation 3 – 4-6 Burpee Bar Muscle-Ups or 6-8 Burpee Pull-upsStation 4 – 200/150 Meter Ski ErgFor each station, pick a distance or scaling option that will force you to work hard for 45-60 seconds.If you want to keep yourself accountable, track times for the Bike and Ski portion of each round, and try to stay consistent across all 5 sets.Finish with 5-10 minutes of Mobility/Cooldown work


Every minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):Min 1 — 9/7 Calorie SkiMin 2 — 12/9 Calorie RowMin 3 — 14/11 Calorie Bike Erg

Rest 1 minute, then…

B. 4 rounds, not for time (9 minute cap) of:10 Dumbbell Curl to Press10 Dumbbell Lateral Box Walk Overs10 Dumbbell Bent Over Reverse Flies30 Second Hollow Hold

Rest 1 minute, then…

C. Every minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):Min 1 — 9/7 Calorie SkiMin 2 — 12/9 Calorie RowMin 3 — 14/11 Calorie Bike Erg

*try to go faster on the second EMOM than you did on the first


(Courtesy @aeorbiccapacity)3 sets:Air Runner Workout:3 sets:90sec at fast pace,90sec at easy jog,2 min at moderate pace,90 sec at easy jog,1 min at fast pace,90sec at easy jog,Rest: 3min b/t sets


Friday 12.13.2019


Wednesday 12.11.2019