Thursday 12.11.2014

*Reminder: This Saturday is our third annual Holiday Party.  Please remember to bring non-perishable food items for the Rhode Island Food Bank, and get entrance into our raffle!


A. Three sets, not for time, of:Alternating Pistols x 6-10 repsBottom’s Up Kettlebell Walk x 100′ each armKipping Pull-Ups x 10 ORMuscle-Ups x 3-5 repsB. Four sets for max reps of:Against a 3-minute running clock:25 Box Jumps (24/20")Row 300/250 MetersBurpees x max repsRest 3 minutes between sets


50 Minute "RTW"


Row 250m @90%Rest 60 secondsx4Rest 3 minutesx3*Goal is the same pace for all 12 sets


Friday 12.12.2014


Wednesday 12.10.2014