Thursday 1.9.2020


A. Three sets of:Front Squat or Goblet Squat x 8 reps @ 2011Rest 45 secondsSingle Arm Trap-3 Raise x 10 reps each arm @ 2011Rest 45 secondsHollow Hold or Rock x 30-40 secondsRest 45 secondsB. Against an 8-minute running clock, complete as many round and reps as possible of:2 Wall Balls2 Push-ups4 Wall Balls4 Push-ups6 Wall Balls6 Push-ups...and so on, adding 2 reps to each movement every round.C. Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (2 sets of each):Minute 1 -- Side Plank Left Side x 45 secondsMinute 2 -- Band Pull-Aparts x 45 secondsMinute 3 -- Side Plank Right Side x 45 secondsMinute 4 -- Reverse Snow Angels x 45 seconds


A. Take 3-5 minutes to build to 60-70% of your 1-RM Front Squatthen...Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):Speed Front Squat x 3 reps @20X0 tempo*The goal of these squats is maximal speed in the concentric portion of each rep, and no pause at the top or bottom of each rep. Recommended loading is 55-60% of your 1-RM (translation: LIGHT).B. Against an 8-minute running clock, complete as many round and reps as possible of:2 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)2 Push-ups4 Wall Balls4 Push-ups6 Wall Balls6 Push-ups...and so on, adding 2 reps to each movement every round.If you are strong with Wall Balls, try bumping up to a 30/20 lbC. Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes (2 sets of each):Minute 1 -- Side Plank Left Side x 45 secondsMinute 2 -- Band Pull-Aparts x 45 secondsMinute 3 -- Side Plank Right Side x 45 secondsMinute 4 -- Reverse Snow Angels x 45 seconds


A. Four sets of:30 Seconds of Rowing30 Seconds of Bear Crawl30 Seconds of Air SquatsRest 30 secondsRest 1 minute, then…B. Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:Minute 1 — 4-6 Burpee Dumbbell Box Walk-OversMinute 2 — 6-8 Calorie Ski @high effortRest 1 minute then…C. Four rounds of:30 Second Side Plank Left30 Second Side Plank Right30 Second Bike @ hard pace30 Second Farmer’s Carry


4 Minute Bike Erg @80-85% effortRest walk 2 minutesx 4-6 sets*Goal is to achieve the same distance each interval


Friday 1.10.2020


Wednesday 1.8.2020