Thursday 1.14.2016


A. Four sets of:Turkish Get-Ups x 1-2 reps each arm*Rest 90 secondsL-Sit Tuck to Extension x 7-10 reps(extend the legs for 2-5 seconds, pull them in for 2-5 seconds and repeat)Rest 90 seconds*If the heaviest KB is not enough for you, try these with a barbell; Please be VERY CAREFUL of those around you if you choose this optionB. Tabata Kettlebell SwingsRest 60 secondsTabata Box JumpsRest 60 secondsTabata BurpeesRest 60 secondsTabata Sit-Ups*Perform eight sets of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest for each “Tabata” movement, and rest 60 seconds before moving on to the next movement.


You can find today's workout here:


Assault Bike 5 minutes Z1+Assault Bike 60 seconds @90% aerobicAssault Bike 60 seconds @50%x 5Rest walk 3-5 minutesx 3+Assault Bike 5 minutes Z1


Full Range is headed to WODAPALOOZA


You Can't Coast Uphill