Saturday 9.7.2019
In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:1600 Meter Relay Runimmediately followed by…16 rounds (partners alternating full rounds) of…8 Toes to Bar12 Push-Ups16 Air Squatsimmediately followed by…1600 Meter Relay Run
30 Second Row @80%30 Second Row @easy pacex 5 minutesthen…40 Seconds ON/20 Seconds OFF at the following stations:Ring RowsPush-upsReverse Sled DragPlate Overhead Walking Lungex 3 rounds (12 minutes)then…10 Cal Bike20 Sit-ups30 Double-Unders or Singlesx 8 minute AMRAP
4 rounds:.1:45 at moderate pace, 15sec rest.1:30 at fast pace, 30sec rest.1:15 at fast pace, 45sec rest.1min at fastest pace, 60sec rest.No add’l rest between rounds