Saturday 9.26.2015

*There are still a few spots left for the Full Range Fall Classic team competition.  If you need help finding a team, let us know!


A. In teams of three, with one person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:3 Pull-Ups (Chest-to-Bar for advanced athletes)6 Burpees9 Kettlebell SwingsRest 5 minutes, then...B. In teams of three, with one person working at a time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:10 Wall Balls10 Push-ups



Fifteen sets of:Run 200 Meters @85%Rest 45 seconds*Rest 3 minutes between sets 7 & 8


Monday 9.28.2015


Friday 9.25.2014