Saturday 5.4.2019


In teams of two, alternating movements throughout, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:50 Double-Unders (or 200/150 Meter Ski)40 Air Squats30 Walking Lunges20 Kettlebell Snatches (24/16 kg)10 Toes to BarPartner A starts with 50 Double-Unders, Partner B then performs 40 Air Squats, Partner A then performs 30 Walking Lunges, Partner B does 20 Kettlebell Snatches, Partner A does 10 Toes to Bar, then Partner B does 50 Double-Unders…and so on.


Six sets of:1 Minute Assault Bike @ 70%Rest 30 seconds1 Minute Burpees @ 80%Rest 30 seconds1 Minute Ski @ 90%Rest 30 seconds30 Second Row @ Max EffortRest 2 minutes


Monday 5.6.2019


Friday 5.3.2019