Saturday 5.19.2018

*Schedule Reminders:-Saturday (5/19): One class only, @9:00am-Sunday: No Barbell Basics


Three sets for max reps of:60 seconds of Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)60 seconds of Rest60 seconds of Toes to Bar60 seconds of Rest60 seconds of Box Jump Overs (24/20")60 seconds of Rest60 seconds of Burpees60 seconds of Rest


You can find today’s workout here:


[via Chris Hinshaw (@aerobiccapacity)]:2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 40sec at fast pace, 40sec at faster pace) w/ no rest b/t reps or sets.+Rest 3min+2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 20sec fast pace, 20sec faster pace, 20sec at fastest pace), w/ no rest b/t reps or sets.+Rest 3min+2 sets: (4min at easy pace, 10sec at fast pace, 10sec at faster pace, 10sec at fastest pace, 10sec sprint), w/ no rest b/t reps or sets. Done!!


Monday 5.21.2018


Watch Coach Jake Compete at the CrossFit Regionals!