Saturday 12.14.2019

*Tonight is our 8th annual Full Range Holiday Party!  Join us at 5pm at Breaktime Bowl & Bar in Pawtucket.  Check our Facebook group for all of the details!


In teams of two, with only one partner working at any time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:100 Double-Unders60 Air Squats300ft Farmers Carry40 Abmat Sit-ups300ft Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry20 Burpees


A. Every minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):Min 1 —  30 Second Ski for CaloriesMin 2 — 30 Second Row for CaloriesMin 3 — 30 Second Bike Erg for Calories

Rest 1 minute, then…

B. 3 or 4 rounds, not for time (9 minute cap) of:10 Dumbbell Curl to Press10 Dumbbell Lateral Box Walk Overs5 Dumbbell (Push-up, Row Left, Push-up, Row Right = 1 rep)30 Second Hollow Hold

Rest 1 minute, then…

C. Every minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets):Min 1 —  30 Second Ski for CaloriesMin 2 — 30 Second Row for CaloriesMin 3 — 30 Second Bike Erg for Calories

*try to accumulate more calories on the second EMOM than you did on the first.


(Courtesy @aeorbiccapacity)3 sets:Air Runner Workout:3 sets:90sec at fast pace,90sec at easy jog,2 min at moderate pace,90 sec at easy jog,1 min at fast pace,90sec at easy jog,Rest: 3min b/t sets


Monday 12.16.2019


Friday 12.13.2019