Saturday 10.31.2020

*Sweatshirt Pre-Order is going on now! Click here to check it out!


Three sets for max reps/calories of:60 seconds of Power Cleans (135/93 lb) or Kettlebell Swings60 seconds of Rest60 seconds of Burpees60 seconds of Rest60 seconds of Front Squats (135/93 lb) or Goblet Squats60 seconds of Rest60 seconds of Row, Ski, or Bike (for Calories)60 seconds of RestThis can be performed in teams of two, with one partner working for the full 60 seconds, then resting and supporting their teammate for 60 seconds (from a distance, of course).


30 Minute Echo Bike for Max Calories**Every 3 minutes, get off and complete:5 Ring Rows10 Push-ups15 Hollow Rocks(the clock continues running during these sets)


Monday 11.2.2020


Friday 10.30.2020